一般社団法人 日本大腸肛門病学会


【国際委員会】ESCP Global Reach Webinar: 'Translating Evidence into Practice'開催のお知らせ

最終更新日: February 09, 2021

ESCP Global Research Webinarに関しまして次回の日程が決まりました。ふるってご参加ください。
ESCP Global Reach Webinar: 'Translating Evidence into Practice'
3月19日 20時(日本時間)から開催されます。

                                 国際委員会委員長 山口茂樹
On behalf of ESCP Global Reach Committee we would like to invite you to complete a short survey to understand your approach on managing patients with asymptomatic primary colorectal cancer with unresectable synchronous metastases. The responses from this survey will be used for educational purposes only and are anonymized.
You can access the survey at https://redcap.link/ESCP_Global_Reach and it will remain open until Monday 8th March.
We will share the results of the survey at the next Global Reach webinar ‘Translating Evidence into Practice’ which will take place on 19th March at 11:00 (GMT) which you are invited to attend. You can view the programat https://www.escp.eu.com/conference-and-events/global-reach-webinar and watch past webinars at https://www.escp.eu.com/global-reach/webinars.
For more information about the ESCP Global Reach Committee visit https://www.escp.eu.com/global-reach/global-reach-committee.
Many thanks,
On behalf ESCP Global Reach Committee